Read all my books for the price of a single pumpkin spice latte!!!*

This is in the works right now. I’m in the pre-launch phase of putting all the books up and testing. If you join now you will be missing random chapter 9s and 14s and whatnot, but I am adding and fixing things all day!

JOIN: [coming soon]

I have received so many requests and questions about if my books will ever go back into Kindle Unlimited. The Blades of Arris is scheduled to go in (for the first time!) next month or in November, but my Lords of Atlantis and Onyx Dragons series will probably NEVER go back in. Yep, I said NEVER. As long as KU is an exclusive program, I have my other books on too many other retailers and places, and some of them have contracts, so they’ll just never go back in. I’ve been more careful with the Blades of Arris because I knew I wanted them to go into KU for at least a short time, and when they come out, I’ll probably never have them in again either. So if you’re a KU-or-die kind of reader, please watch out for your chance to read them there!!!

But this whole time, I’ve been trying to think of a solution. Books are expensive, and not everyone has access to libraries. And I’ve got it!!! I’ve created a mini Kindle Unlimited on my bookstore! For the price of one pumpkin spice latte per month, you can read all my books!

I’m super excited about adding more features, and I hope you’re excited too!

*Fine print: The price is for one pumpkin spice latte in the Seattle area, original home of Starbucks, grande size, without tax as of 9/13/2024. (Mm, it was delicious!) ALL MY BOOKS means all my books that are not enrolled in Kindle Unlimited or owned by a publisher, because I don’t have the rights to put them in my reading program.